유튜브 채널 <마리아의 구원방주>
재생목록이 연속 재생됩니다!
The playlists of Naju Mary on YouTube channel will be played continuously!
Emptying your heart brings you joy, love and happiness
The Chapel of the Blessed Mother of Naju 12, Najucheon 2-gil, Naju City, Jeonnam, 58258, South Korea
The Blessed Mother's mountain Singwang-ro 425, Dasi-myeon, Naju City, Jeonnam, South Korea
TEL +82 61-334-5003 | FAX +82 61-332-3372 | E-mail marysnaju@najumary.or.kr
COPYRIGHTⓒ 2022 Mary's Ark of Salvation Foundation, Inc.