Messages of Love
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1987February 13, 1987 - The pains in this world will turn into happiness in the next world.
The Chapel of the Blessed Mother of Naju 12, Najucheon 2-gil, Naju City, Jeonnam, 58258, South Korea
The Blessed Mother's mountain Singwang-ro 425, Dasi-myeon, Naju City, Jeonnam, South Korea
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Message on February 13, 1987
Today I received the pains of crucifixion together with the Blessed Mother. Our Mother laments over the world covered with darkness. She is begging for our help, because the just anger of God the Father is overflowing.
Mother, we are already yours. Use us as you wish.
Renounce yourself. Do not worry. I know what is in your mind. Entrust everything to me and rely on me. My daughter who is most pleasing to my heart!
I feel sorrow when you suffer. When you feel pain, I do, too; when you go through agonies, I agonize, too; and when you are sad, I am sad, too.
But the pains, sorrows and agonies in this world will turn into happiness in the next world, because the happiness of this world is not the happiness of the next world. That is why you must endure the hardships well. Then, you will enjoy happiness in the next world with me.
Therefore, my sons and daughters, become persons smashed and trampled by all the people of this world and offer even these matters as penance. Then, you will come to me as humble persons, as little persons . . . .
Receive the light from my Immaculate Heart. Thus, become apostles of my Immaculate Heart who shine the light upon all the sick souls.
Achieve unity by loving one another. I want you to trust each other, be respectful and faithful to each other, and fulfill your duties.
My beloved children! I trust you and will abide in you.