Messages of Love

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2017October 22, 2017 - The Message of Love from the Blessed Mother

Message of Lovefrom the Blessed Mother
on Oct 22, 2017, Memorial of St. Pope John Paul II


My pain became intensified since I attended prayer meetings one after another. I full-heartily participated in the Naju prayer meeting held in Dae-jeon City inKorea, while wholly offering up deathly suffering and praying to the Lord, “I belong to You whether I live or die on the way to the venue! Thy will be done only!” At around 7 P.M., Fr. Francis Su celebrated Mass with Fr. Jang and Fr. Alex.

Due to excruciating pain, I watched the mass on live TV in the waiting room. To my amazement, I saw the figure of St. Pope John Paul II, instead of Fr. Su’s. Even though the voice was Fr Su’s, St. Pope John Paul II was adorned in papal miter and white vestments, with the papal pastoral staff at his right side.

For a moment, I couldn’t believe what I saw, but the figure was still visible. I wondered, “Is it only visible to my eyes?” So, I asked Sr. Catherine and Philip who were there with me if they could also see the figure of the Holy Father. They affirmed that they also could see him. “Oh, how can this be?” The three of us were so surprised that we looked at him over and over again. All of a sudden, I heard the voice of the Blessed Mother whispering to me.


The Blessed Mother :  “My beloved little soul, My adorable baby! You offer up extreme pain that feels like tearing and digging into your live flesh. The pain pushes you to the verge of death for the repentance of even one extra soul, but you still radiate joy to everyone with your beaming smile, hiding your pain. Your mind is imbued with the intent of ‘sacrificing oneself to achieve goodness’(殺身成仁)! Thank you. This is why you are a flower of consolation to My Son and Me.

My beloved daughter!
My adorable son, St. Pope John Paul II, whom I can *put in my eyes without feeling any pain (*This is an idiom of utmost love in Korea used sometimes by parents regarding their children) is interceding for Naju beside me. He strived to recognize Naju during his reign to completely follow the Will of My Son and Mine, who appeared and are present in Naju to save even the most wicked sinners. He could not complete it as he was hindered by those who were like “beasts with human faces (人面獸心)”.

Therefore, today he comes down with other Saints to this place proclaiming, ‘Let us arm ourselves with the Five Spiritualities’ to be with you all, during Mass, becoming one with Fr. Francis Su, whom I have personally chosen.

Now the clergy, who are appointed shepherds of the church must be aware that the calamities and incidents occurring all over the world are signs. This means that the time of great tribulation is near, and the clergy should remain awake.

There are many shepherds, who are supposed to lead the flocks of sheep to the right path, but they are dismissing those disasters as accidental occurrences. They are care-free and complicit. They are leading care-free lives, convinced that the times are peaceful and secure. They also turn their faces away from the truths by merely watching and pretending not to know about the vicious rumours (circulating about Naju), brutally and cruelly slashing the Hearts of My Son Jesus and Me.

Oh! I am sad! Because my numerous innocent children have become blind and deaf, being deceived by malignant rumors fabricated by those who tell lies by distorting the truth (魚目燕石), covering their faults, and even scolding others (責人則明). Thus, I feel extreme pain in my heart as if it is torn into tens of thousand pieces.

(My children!) In this current age, even the church that My Son Jesus established through Peter on the rock is being infected with falsehood, and the world has already come to the edge of destruction. Thus, this Mommy, who is the Heavenly Prophetess, personally prepared and nurtured the little soul(Julia), together with My Son Jesus for the salvation of the human race and this world. Therefore, become like her by being nurtured by her.

She is always dying on the Cross on Mt. Calvary with My Son Jesus, screaming in her agonies of death throes. However, she graciously offers up even the suffering of double deaths with a joyful heart, saying that it is the pain that brings hope for the healing and repentance of sinners, who are bringing upon themselves the chastisement of darkness, fire, and blood. It is because God the Father cannot help but send down chastisement upon the world at any time due to the sins of the world, which are overflowing with great degradation, offending God.

My extremely beloved children!
I hope at least you, who say you know Me, will not worry in human thinking or be concerned about the future, but accomplish the mission entrusted to you in your unique role that is irreplaceable.

If the number of souls who are nurtured by the little soul (Julia) increase exponentially by arming themselves with the Five Spiritualities, 1. sufferings of the little soul will be relieved and 2. “the devils who fill the sky and the earth,” who are always alert for an opportunity to kill the little soul in order to ruin the world, will be defeated and will decamp. This world will be purified, and God the Father will send down the cup of blessings instead of the cup of wrath.”

Later, I came to realize that this day was the Feast day of St. Pope John Paul II.



The Chapel of the Blessed Mother of Naju  12, Najucheon 2-gil, Naju City, Jeonnam, 58258, South Korea  

The Blessed Mother's mountain  Singwang-ro 425, Dasi-myeon, Naju City, Jeonnam, South Korea 

TEL  +82 61-334-5003 | FAX  +82 61-332-3372 | E-mail  

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