Message from Jesus on September 29, 2017
The book on the Five Spiritualities came very close to fail. But, Our Lord Himself thoughtfully informed me the need to re-edit the book, so that we could correct its content; I was ecstatic for his notification and for Him to grant us a chance to get it right: “Oh My love, My Beloved! How could you show me, a sinner, Your wondrous and profound love again! I am Yours only. Use me as You wish. May You alone receive Glory!”
Jesus: “My little soul who attributes allGlory to Me! It was so grueling for you, was it not? Through your recent work without sleep nor rest (不眠不休), graces will be multiplied abundantly. That is why Satan is so preoccupied with the idea of killing you. However, since you offered up all the ordeals graciously, you finally won the battle over him. Thank you.
In this age of the most extreme divisions, Satan wishes the fire to fall upon this world. So, Satan is making his last desperate attempts to kill you, even by transcending time and space, but I saved you, who were fighting against Satan to the end with your indomitable spirit (百折不撓).
Many of My Children, trapped in the snares laid by cunning and wicked Satan are walking towards hell by leading sinful lives. Yet they still do not realize that they are living in sin because Satan is leading them to think that what they are doing is good and of true values. Any soul who does not remain awake would not be able to discern it at all. Therefore, spread to everyone with haste the Five Spiritualities that I completed through you.
All the children in the world whom I love extremely!
There is no time to procrastinate or hesitate. Even those shepherds who would like to reign over people must wake up in haste and accept humbly the messages of love that I gave you, by unceasingly performing the unprecedented miracles in Naju and putting them into practice. These shepherds must be able to provide spiritual nourishment to the herds of sheep entrusted to them, so that they may practice the Five Spiritualities.
Then, those crowds of sheep who trust and follow the shepherds will be able to reach Heaven by practicing the Five Spiritualties and possess the Tree of Eternal Life on the last day. Even if the leaders of the Church do not accept My messages of love and result in raging waves that threaten to sweep away this world, those children who follow Me and My Mother to the end by arming yourselves with the Five Spiritualities will receive enthusiastic welcome from all the Saints (in Heaven) and will enjoy the eternal happiness with my little soul at the place I had prepared for them, by My side and My Mother’s."
Julia gave birth to four children, two of which caused her enormous difficulties and pain, between life and death. Yet, she didn’t let a single moan of agony escape her lips. In the last three months while Julia was editing the book of Five Spiritualities, she suffered severe pain that was incomparable with pains of childbirth she experienced previously. She offered them up graciously for the repentance of those who would read that book. Her mouth and tongue peeled off, got chapped and cracked, and she offered up all these pains for the conversion of those who judge, condemn, speak ill of others, and cause division.
Especially the pain in reparation for thesins of obscenity, abortion and homosexuality committed by others made her bleed profusely, with her anus awfully protruded, leaving her unable to sit. Even when she had the urge to release her discharge, it caused her to bleed in her private parts and anuswith intense pain.
These pain did not stop and made her scream. It was theloudest cry that she ever let out in her entire life. Tears flowed down profusely from her eyes while she was writhing in agony. In the midst of this wrecking pain, she offered them up following Semchigo, as if she was loved, and prayed, “Lord, remove all the bad habits from those who would read this book,”

When the devils knocked her down to her oblivion, she still did not forget to say the prayer to chase them away. She stood up again and continued to work, offering up all her pain graciously for the glory of the Lord and the Blessed Mother and for the conversion of sinners.
The devil’s physical attacks and disturbances continued with many other pains. Two ligaments on her right wrist were torn. Thus, typing became exceedingly difficult.
Despite these, she handwrote the title of the book (in Korean) by hand – “The Five Spiritualities given through the little soul”, and its chapters, namely:
1. Turning our lives into prayers,
2. Semchigo, 3. Offering Up, 4. Amen, 5. It’s my fault.
Her oxygen saturation was as low as 87% even on 24-hour supplemental oxygen; she needed to breathe with labor using abdominal muscles while editing the book in the middle of humid summer. Abdominal breathing added more pressure to her head and heart, producing severe pain to the brink of unconsciousness. This exhibits Julia’s willingness to offer up even her life for the Glory of God.
To everyone’s astonishment, when the printed copies arrived in Naju securely, all her pain and bleeding in both her private parts and anus stopped. (*The bleeding was so severe and drenched her underpants, although her uterus had been removed decades ago.) Seeing these endless and utmost love and sacrifices offered up by Julia, a little soul, Our Lord promised to save the children, who accept the Five Spiritualities and put them into practice regardless of their past.

Message from Jesus on September 29, 2017
The book on the Five Spiritualities came very close to fail. But, Our Lord Himself thoughtfully informed me the need to re-edit the book, so that we could correct its content; I was ecstatic for his notification and for Him to grant us a chance to get it right: “Oh My love, My Beloved! How could you show me, a sinner, Your wondrous and profound love again! I am Yours only. Use me as You wish. May You alone receive Glory!”
Jesus: “My little soul who attributes allGlory to Me! It was so grueling for you, was it not? Through your recent work without sleep nor rest (不眠不休), graces will be multiplied abundantly. That is why Satan is so preoccupied with the idea of killing you. However, since you offered up all the ordeals graciously, you finally won the battle over him. Thank you.
In this age of the most extreme divisions, Satan wishes the fire to fall upon this world. So, Satan is making his last desperate attempts to kill you, even by transcending time and space, but I saved you, who were fighting against Satan to the end with your indomitable spirit (百折不撓).
Many of My Children, trapped in the snares laid by cunning and wicked Satan are walking towards hell by leading sinful lives. Yet they still do not realize that they are living in sin because Satan is leading them to think that what they are doing is good and of true values. Any soul who does not remain awake would not be able to discern it at all. Therefore, spread to everyone with haste the Five Spiritualities that I completed through you.
All the children in the world whom I love extremely!
There is no time to procrastinate or hesitate. Even those shepherds who would like to reign over people must wake up in haste and accept humbly the messages of love that I gave you, by unceasingly performing the unprecedented miracles in Naju and putting them into practice. These shepherds must be able to provide spiritual nourishment to the herds of sheep entrusted to them, so that they may practice the Five Spiritualities.
Then, those crowds of sheep who trust and follow the shepherds will be able to reach Heaven by practicing the Five Spiritualties and possess the Tree of Eternal Life on the last day. Even if the leaders of the Church do not accept My messages of love and result in raging waves that threaten to sweep away this world, those children who follow Me and My Mother to the end by arming yourselves with the Five Spiritualities will receive enthusiastic welcome from all the Saints (in Heaven) and will enjoy the eternal happiness with my little soul at the place I had prepared for them, by My side and My Mother’s."
Julia gave birth to four children, two of which caused her enormous difficulties and pain, between life and death. Yet, she didn’t let a single moan of agony escape her lips. In the last three months while Julia was editing the book of Five Spiritualities, she suffered severe pain that was incomparable with pains of childbirth she experienced previously. She offered them up graciously for the repentance of those who would read that book. Her mouth and tongue peeled off, got chapped and cracked, and she offered up all these pains for the conversion of those who judge, condemn, speak ill of others, and cause division.
Especially the pain in reparation for thesins of obscenity, abortion and homosexuality committed by others made her bleed profusely, with her anus awfully protruded, leaving her unable to sit. Even when she had the urge to release her discharge, it caused her to bleed in her private parts and anuswith intense pain.
These pain did not stop and made her scream. It was theloudest cry that she ever let out in her entire life. Tears flowed down profusely from her eyes while she was writhing in agony. In the midst of this wrecking pain, she offered them up following Semchigo, as if she was loved, and prayed, “Lord, remove all the bad habits from those who would read this book,”
When the devils knocked her down to her oblivion, she still did not forget to say the prayer to chase them away. She stood up again and continued to work, offering up all her pain graciously for the glory of the Lord and the Blessed Mother and for the conversion of sinners.
The devil’s physical attacks and disturbances continued with many other pains. Two ligaments on her right wrist were torn. Thus, typing became exceedingly difficult.
Despite these, she handwrote the title of the book (in Korean) by hand – “The Five Spiritualities given through the little soul”, and its chapters, namely:
1. Turning our lives into prayers,
2. Semchigo, 3. Offering Up, 4. Amen, 5. It’s my fault.
Her oxygen saturation was as low as 87% even on 24-hour supplemental oxygen; she needed to breathe with labor using abdominal muscles while editing the book in the middle of humid summer. Abdominal breathing added more pressure to her head and heart, producing severe pain to the brink of unconsciousness. This exhibits Julia’s willingness to offer up even her life for the Glory of God.
To everyone’s astonishment, when the printed copies arrived in Naju securely, all her pain and bleeding in both her private parts and anus stopped. (*The bleeding was so severe and drenched her underpants, although her uterus had been removed decades ago.) Seeing these endless and utmost love and sacrifices offered up by Julia, a little soul, Our Lord promised to save the children, who accept the Five Spiritualities and put them into practice regardless of their past.