Special Sign indicating the Lord and the Blessed Mother are with Julia

Even while Julia was dying from the pains in reparation for sinners, she offered up graciously even her death to the Lord saying, "Lord, I am Yours if I die. I am Yours, if I Iive. Your Will be done." 

At that time, Our Lord granted her a Special Sign indicating the Lord and the Blessed Mother are with her on Oct. 7, 2000, the 1st Saturday.

 Message of Love
on the Special Phenomena granted to Julia

 💗 The Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary on January 1, 2002, 

On January 1, 2002, the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, a miracle occurred. The Precious Blood of Jesus, which had descended from between His toes on the Cross at Mt. Calvary, penetrated through the face mask that Julia was wearing, transforming into the Holy Eucharist on her tongue. On this very day, the Blessed Mother gave the Message of Love to Julia. 

At about 9:30 a.m., when I was praying at the Twelfth Station of the Way of the Cross on the Blessed Mother's Mountain together with several volunteers, I saw a vision of a Roman soldier piercing Jesus' side with a spear. At the same time, I suffered the pain of being pierced in my side with a spear and fell back.

Momentarily, a very brilliant and beautiful light of different colors poured down from Jesus. This light looked like the bright and clear sunlight, but its rays were like short darts, only about 12cm (almost 5 inches) long, It was an extremely, indescribably beautiful light that I had never seen before. I was spellbound and looked at it awestruck. At that moment, I heard the Blessed Mother's voice, which was overflowing with kindness, love and tenderness.

“My beloved adorable daughter! 
Have you seen the beautiful radiance of the Lord's light spreading? 
As there is nothing that the Lord, your Redeemer, cannot do, He has given 
such a beautiful light upon the liquid from your kidney as you offer up 
extreme pains of atonement that My son Jesus and I allowed.

It was a Sign of a very special love that indicates that your Lord and this Mother, 

who will keep you upright as a person who never gives up your integrity despite difficulties, 
are working and dwelling within you and are uniting with you. 

(Message of Love from the Blessed Mother on Jan. 1, 2002)

★ 율신액 두번째 검사 결과 임상 병리 검사자로서의 소견 ★

Urine Test (소변검사)

Urine stick(10종 테스트)

    negative (음성)


    negative (음성)


    negative (음성)


    negative (음성)


    negative (음성)

keton body

    negative (음성)


  negative (음성)






negative (음성)

Urine Colorr

    colarless (무색)


none (무취)


현미경 판독 결과






negative (음성)


negative (음성)


cholesterol crystals:mod


negative (음성)

Clinical pathologist’s opinion about Kit Test and Microscopic Test
Clinical pathologist’s opinion about Kit Test and Microscopic Test

The Chapel of the Blessed Mother of Naju  12, Najucheon 2-gil, Naju City, Jeonnam, 58258, South Korea  

The Blessed Mother's mountain  Singwang-ro 425, Dasi-myeon, Naju City, Jeonnam, South Korea 

TEL  +82 61-334-5003 | FAX  +82 61-332-3372 | E-mail  marysnaju@najumary.or.kr  

COPYRIGHTⓒ 2022 Mary's Ark of Salvation Foundation, Inc.