Test of brain waves verifying whether the visionary is authentic
The person who conducted the brainwave test is a professor of neurophysiology and has lectured at several universities in Italy, Germany, and Bolivia. He has published many books and research papers on the brain, human behavior, stress, and the nervous system.
According to Dr. Ricardo, the brainwave test allows us to tell whether the messages received or the visions seen come from a supernatural origin, or from a brain disorder or mental illness.
Brainwaves are classified into four types: alpha, beta, theta, and delta waves. Delta waves appear in states of dissociation, coma, or unconsciousness, and also in newborns.
Usually, when undergoing a brainwave test, it needs to be conducted in a quiet room. However, in Julia's case, she underwent the test in a chaotic and noisy environment with many people around. After confirming that her brainwaves are normal, the test proceeds with several experiments.
Dr. Ricardo asked her to recite the words "Jesus, the Blessed Mother, peace, and prayer." Whenever she recited these words, delta waves appeared clearly. It is said that it is impossible to explain this phenomenon medically or scientifically.
In the case of a sister who receives messages, delta waves did not appear in her brainwaves. Her delta wave started to emit only after receiving Holy Communion by the spiritual director priest. However for Julia Kim, even though she was in a cluttered place, two or even three delta waves appeared. Dr. Ricardo said, ‘Now no one in the world can call Julia Kim a psychotic.’

SIGNS From God: Science Tests Faith
(Aired on FOX TV in USA)
Scientific investigation and results of supernatural phenomena
Here is an introduction to the article about Julia's brainwave test, presented in the recently released book "Reason to Believe" by Brother Ron Tesoriero from Australia..
Brother Ron Tesoriero, born in Sydney, Australia, is a lawyer. Since 1992, he has started researching the supernatural phenomena happening in the Catholic Church. Around this time, he met Dr. Ricardo Castanon, a Bolivian neurophysiologist with the same objective, and they began collaborating.
Brother Ron began producing a documentary based on Dr. Ricardo Castanon's research findings. Their documentary was aired in 1999 on Fox TV in the United States as a program titled "Signs from God, Science Tests Faith.
In January 2002, they visited Naju and began conducting scientific tests on the signs that occurred there, including a brainwave test on Julia.
In the book "Reason to Believe," Brother Ron describes the scientific tests and results of supernatural phenomena that have occurred in Catholic churches worldwide, along with their meaning. The book presents brainwave tests of visionaries, with a brief introduction to an article about Sister Julia, accompanied by a photo. The following in quotation marks is from the book.