Message of Love from the Blessed Mother on June 30, 1987
The Blessed Mother said that these Messages
of Love from Jesus and Herself are more important
even though the miracles and signs are also important.
<Naju Mary> YouTube channel
The Blessed Mother said that
these Messages of Love from Jesus and
Herself are more important even though the miracles and signs are also important.
The English site is being prepared!
- Message of Love from the Blessed
Mother of Naju on July 29, 1988 -
- Message of Love from the Blessed Mother of Naju on July 29, 1988 -
The legalization of abortion violates the constitutional spirit
of protecting the fetus’ right to life. A number of Constitutional
Court rulings obviously stated, “A fetus is a separate creature
from the mother, and the fetus, as a subject, has a constitutional right to life,
and the nation is obliged to protect the fetus’ life in accordance
with the second sentence of Article 10 in the Constitution.”
(From the Constitutional Court’s ruling)
"Mary's Ark of Salvation, this is my bosom of love, greater than the universe, which will take children from the whole world to the heavenly harbor. Now I intend to embrace children from the whole world in my wide bosom. Therefore, construct a basilica.
I will embrace them all in my bosom so that they may be reborn with love and I may pull out all their weeds. This way, I can become the guide for the blind; give energy to the poor and hungry; wipe away tears of the children who are sad, agonizing, and weeping, become a comfort to those who are hungry and thirsty for Truth and become a refuge for those who are insulted, persecuted and criticized with all kinds of groundless accusations while doing their just work."
- Message of Love from the Blessed Mother on May 8, 1991
Naju, the land of life, a quiet and small southern city in Korea.
June 30, 1985 at the St. Mary's Statue, where an ordinary housewife from a family served. Tears began to flow.
Naju, the land of life, a quiet and small
southern city in Korea. June 30, 1985 at the St. Mary's Statue, where an ordinary housewife
from a family served. Tears began to flow.
The Blessed Mother's Tears of Blood
"You will be saved, if you do not
ignore my tears and tears of blood,
accept my words well and live
a life based on the Gospels."
(The Blessed Mother, Oct. 14, 1989)
The Blessed Mother's Fragrant Oil